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Who is the Best Healer?
By Don Bennett, DAS

If you've lived your life like most people, you've got a whole lot'a healing to do, even though you may not know it! Even vegetarians and vegans succumb to many of the same degenerative diseases as their "Standard American Diet" eating counterparts, and there are very good reasons for this.

There are many folks who either now need or will need help with healing. There are people who claim they can heal you, and there are people who can help you heal. If someone told me they can heal me, I'd run away from them as fast as I could. Why? Because I've spent over 30 years discovering how best to heal, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that only my body can heal me. No one, other than yourself, can heal you. If, however, someone told me they can help me to heal, I'd be all ears.

Pills, Potions, and Misinformation

If anyone tells you there are "healing foods", run. Food has no capacity to heal anything. Food only supplies raw materials which your healing systems need to be at their best. But this doesn't necessarily mean you've got to eat while healing; many people have healed some serious conditions while fasting (eating no food at all). Other things like crystals, herbs, magnets, and "smart" water have no ability to heal anything either, and may actually hinder the healing process because they give the user a false sense of security, and he or she may not look any further into the subject of healing. If you're ill, being in a positive frame of mind is a good thing, and placebos can help you feel good about what you're doing, but the false hope they engender is counterproductive to healing. If you really want to get well, you need to learn what is really responsible for healing.

Dealing with Symptoms or the Cause of the Symptoms

If your "check engine" light lit up on your dashboard, there are two ways to make the light go out. You could remove the bulb, or you could fix whatever's wrong so the bulb goes out on its own. The lit bulb is a symptom of an underlying problem. If you merely remove the bulb, the problem is still there, and will most likely get worse. Aspirin, antacids, acupuncture, chemo-therapy, drugs, and a host of other therapies and treatments deal with the symptoms of a problem, and not with the problem itself. Think about this: If you took your car to a mechanic, and you noticed he was merely unscrewing the bulb to deal with your complaint, you'd be furious! But if you took your body to a health-care practitioner, and he dealt only with your symptoms and not with their underlying cause, most people wouldn't think twice about it, in fact, they'd be grateful for the relief of their symptoms. (Fortunately, sometimes the only way to alleviate certain symptoms is to deal with their cause, but this is the exception and not the rule.) The difference between the mechanic and the doctor above is that the mechanic was taking advantage of you knowingly, the doctor is just practicing what he's been taught.

If you're in pain, like the "check engine" light, there are two ways to make the pain go away: Mask or otherwise eliminate the pain itself, or resolve the condition that is causing the pain; which do you think is in your body's best interest. Sure, it'll be more involved to deal with the condition that is causing the pain, and likewise it's easier to just pop a pill and feel better, but this is where wisdom comes in. Are you wise enough to make the decision that is best for your body, and not choose a quick fix?

If you decide not to go the quick fix route, alarm bells will sound in pharmaceutical and medical corporate offices around the world. They don't like you taking responsibility for your health and fitness, and they go to great lengths to get you to believe that "your doctor" is the best one to decide what is best for you. I am my own doctor. I may consult with others for an opinion, but it is my responsibility to decide how best to deal with something that affects my body.

Do you need to go to medical school to learn how to do this? No. But you do need information on healing. Correct information. Practical information. Truthful information. You need to know that effective healing requires goodly amounts of restful sleep, unburdened digestion, sufficient nutrients, and a cessation of the factors that caused your ill-health in the first place. And you need to know how to get deep sleep, how not to overwork the digestive system, how to get enough nutrients without getting more calories than you need, and what actually caused your illness (and don't let anyone tell you "we don't know what causes cancer/diabetes/etc").

Medical school is fine if you want to be a medical doctor. But if you want to learn how to heal yourself and be vibrantly healthy, a course of study that is easy to understand, direct, to the point, and based on the science of the human body and the science of health - called hygiene - is what you should seek. Are there workshops such as this? Yes! Do you have to spend tons of time pouring over mountains of material? No. Simply learn from those who have already spent tons of time pouring over mountains of material. Do you have to spend sack-fulls of money to get empowering and enlightening information? No. Those educators who honestly care about people will make this knowledge available at an affordable price. And if you're trying to heal from something, you can't afford not to have the information you need to make an informed decision as to how best to facilitate your healing; your body is depending on you to make wise choices… don't let it down.

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