Selected excerpts from

How to Have the BEST Odds of
Avoiding Degenerative Disease

By Don Bennett, DAS


"The main purpose of this book is to acquaint you with the things a human being requires to experience vibrant health and to have the best odds of avoiding degenerative disease. You will likely find this book to be thought-provoking, and it will no doubt challenge some of your long held beliefs. This is a good thing, especially if any of those beliefs are based on false and/or misleading information; in-other-words, beliefs that are not in your best interest, health-wise."

"Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old." - Emerson

One of the 26 quotes featured

"In a sense, today's human beings are not unlike the domesticated animals we live with; we no longer roam the great outdoors, finding our food where it grows, and getting plenty of physical activity, fresh air & water, and sunshine in the process. But that's what we're designed to do! So unless we find a way to approximate that behavior in our current culture, "bio-logic" dictates that our health will suffer accordingly."


"If you want to have the best odds of living a happy and healthy life, you need to be a realist when it comes to your health. I mention this because much of the information most people have regarding health and diet comes from a fantasy world; a world where you can have your cake and eat it too; literally."


"This enlightening information would be frustrating if you didn't know what you could do about it, so the goal of this book is to be both informative and educational. You'll be empowered to be able to adjust aspects of your life for the better."


"Some cancer practitioners advocate early detection as a way to prevent cancer. This is not my idea of cancer prevention. Should you avail yourself of the things that cause cancer until cancer is detected, and then stop doing the things that caused it and begin treatment? Or should you take a pre-emptive approach, and stop doing the things that cause cancer BEFORE cancerous cells get out of hand."


"Disease doesn't occur overnight. In most cases, it can take years, even decades, to progress to the point where you get symptoms; the diagnosis of a serious disease may seem sudden, but the disease was a long time in the making to get to that point."


"Ask yourself, if I could feel better, enjoy a higher quality-of-life, now and in the future, reduce my odds of needing hospital visits/invasive surgical procedures/medical treatments by greatly reducing my risk of cancer, coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and who knows what else, wouldn't I want to know how?"


"This book is based on the principles of hygiene. A turn-of-the-century dictionary definition of hygiene was "the study of the science of health". Hygiene may be further defined as being the science and art of restoring and preserving health by those substances, agencies, and influences that have a normal relation to life."


"And there you have it, the major physiological reason for being over-weight...this cause-and-effect scenario is never addressed by weight-loss professionals or nutritional experts."


"Steven Anderson said, 'Dieticians will tell you that all foods can fit into a diet', and that's the scary part. Unfortunately those people we assume will give us the straight scoop when it comes to diet, are not in a position to do so, through no fault of their own."


"The reason the burning of calories (more correctly stated: the burning of fuel measured in calories) is such an inefficient way to lose weight is this: To prevent the calories from a slice of junk food pie from going to your hips, belly, or butt, you'd have to run, huff'n 'n puff'n, for many, many miles. Why is this?..."


"Repeated sunburning, not suntanning in itself, causes skin cancer, writes Dr. Michael Gray. Chronic sunburn combines with free radicals to cause skin cancer. Sunbathing helps heal cancer by building up the immune system, and increasing the oxygen in the tissues."


"Nerve energy doesn't get a lot of press. It's not taught in schools, or even to most healing practitioners, but its role in healing is of extreme importance...and deep sleep is where nerve energy is replenished...There is no such thing as getting 'too much sleep'. If you still feel tired after sleeping for 12 hours, it is not because you slept too much, it is because you weren't getting enough deep's how to help insure you get plenty of deep sleep..."


"Have you ever seen a pack of zebras being chased by a lion? Once the lion catches a zebra, all the other zebras stop running and return to grazing as if nothing had happened. One minute they're running for their lives, and the next, it's back to chowing down. Their 'fight or flight response' doesn't stay elevated because it doesn't have to; they know when the lion is no longer a threat to them."


"Diabetes can be caused by the exact same thing... The poor pancreas (and adrenals) become overworked trying to pump out more insulin in an effort to bring down the excessively high blood sugar level. Eventually the pancreas can get worn out. It isn't dead, only in need of a rest. I personally know people who were taking insulin to control their Type 2 diabetes, who were able to come off their medication, and have normal blood sugar levels...The diagram on the next page illustrates the condition that leads to diabetes and candidiasis."


Some of the questions answered in chapter 16: Why do people fail on a healthy diet? You said doing caloric restriction to lose weight wasn't good, but weren't there studies that showed that animals who had their calories restricted lived longer? It's said that certain nutrients can only be made bioavailable if you cook the food, is this true? How much protein do we need? Why do people debate many of the obvious truths you mention in this book? I read chapter 4, Dealing with Conflicting Information and Controversies, but if you had to sum it up, what would you say is the most important thing when dealing with all the debates on diet?

"Cancer is not the problem, it is the end result of a problem... so many millions of people suffer immeasurably before ultimately dying unnecessarily from something that could have been prevented in the first place... I am hard-pressed to think of any malady easier to prevent than cancer." - Harvey Diamond

"Health is the body's natural state. Your body is self-regenerating, self-repairing, self-regulating, and self-healing, but only if you don't get in its way, and only if you give it what it requires... Each year millions of people in America die from preventable diseases. There is health information available that can empower you to live a healthier, happier life than you ever thought possible; and this information will help you avoid unnecessary suffering and premature death that conventional living brings to so many people."


"Some have said I've saved the best for last. The articles that follow will broaden your knowledge of healthful living, and will expand upon the preceding chapters. Feel free to copy and circulate them."


From the Foreword, by Professor Rozalind A. Gruben-Graham, "The book you hold in your hands is a courageous attempt from one exceptionally brilliant man to offer you stark truths about your health. What is offered within these pages is not sensationalism of a radical philosophy, but a sincere attempt to contribute to the healing of our world. The words contained within were born from one man's passion; a passion that ignited in his heart upon discovering fundamental natural laws which, if honored, hold the secret key to your personal health liberation and the survival of our species."


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