
Wow, is there a lot of misinformation out there! The title of this book says it all; when it comes to your health, what can harm you the most is what you believe to be true, that isn't. And there is a lot of misinformation masquerading as fact. You only have to look at the conflicting information about diet to see that there are a lot of experts who have no idea what they're talking about (or maybe they do but they have their reasons for misleading you). Unless it's true that all diets work equally as well and will result in the same health outcomes, there are a lot of dietary facts that just aren't.

And although diet is the category filled with the most misinformation, it isn't the only one to have incorrect recommendations. Obviously, what to do about conditions of ill health comes in a close second, but not so obvious is the advice you'll hear about exercise. And for some people, the truth about physical activity is even harder to swallow than accurate dietary information. It's long been thought that diet was the most misunderstood area of healthy living, but I've observed that exercise ranks right up there with it. The difference is that most everyone knows there's a lot of conflicting information about diet, but the same cannot be said about exercise. There's kind of a "it's all good" feeling about exercise, but believe me, it isn't "all good".

The reasons for all the incorrect info masquerading as established fact are many, and I'll also discuss this very important issue because it's helpful to know why this situation exists.

Those who don't know me well might be wondering, "Why should I trust this guy's word… how do I know his info is the real deal?" And that's one of the points this book makes… you don't know. But after reading this book, you will come to understand my perspective, and how I've come to know what I know, and you'll then be in a better position to judge the credibility of the information contained in this book. This of course assumes that you don't allow any personal biases you may have to color your otherwise good judgment… if the truth is what you seek, it's a good idea to always be on your guard against personal preferences misdirecting you while on your learning journey.

So please read this book with an open mind, and if you come across any conflicting information, don't be disheartened, see it for what it is: a good thing. Why is it good? Because amongst the conflicting information will likely be the truth. If the truth is the information you were already following, then great! At least now you'll be aware that the contradictory information is false and you can help others avoid it. If the truth turns out to be the other information, the info that you weren't following, it's obviously a good thing that you came across it. Of course the trick is figuring out which info represents reality, but you can't do that unless you're armed with all the information. Tips for how to recognize fact from fiction will also appear in this book.


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