Robert Morse

Morse is into herbs and glandulars (not vegan), but he has some great info too, he and I being on the same page on a lot of issues. But sometimes he is someone who is "talking out of their hat". For example, to say someone using inorganic iodine will cause hyperthyroidism is an example of "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing". If he was fully educated on the subject he wouldn't be saying this. How does he explain all the people who had hyperthyroidism who got rid of it by taking inorganic iodine? (along with iodine's co-factor nutrients). So those who follow Morse 100% will not consider an iodine supplement, and this could negatively affect their health.

Some educators, like Morse, have an opinion on every aspect of health, maybe because they feel they are assumed to have one, so to have maximal credibility they feel they should have one, so they do. But presenting opinions as facts is irresponsible. Don't get me wrong, Morse has lots of 100% correct, spot-on info, but this does not mean that all his info is 100% correct. This is why I can't recommend him as someone to "follow" because the average person would not be able to distinguish fact from "opinion presented as fact".

Here's what a few people wrote about him, and I concur.

"Morse discourages other isolated nutrients like B12; he's definitely a die hard raw foodist with a passion for herbal tinctures and glandulars. He carries a lot of weight physically, so he obviously doesn't practice what he preaches. So Dr. Morse is a mixed bag."

"That's what dr Morse does as well. Eats cooked foods, not always vegan. Yet tells everyone to eat fruit." – Merrie Ceri from FB

"Are you kidding? Morse eats all kinds of crap." – Mark Tassi

"I'm watching a video where Morse is telling the audience about choosing your fruit based on the vibrations you can feel (for those who are able to do this), and he says eats fruit for breakfast and salads for lunch, and when he got out of the woods where he had been teaching people to have out-of-body experiences, he was so "buzzed" he had to "ground" so he ate at Howard Johnsons... "so there has to be balance" he said [and he admitted to eating some Indian food today]. "But I don't eat salads." [but he just said he did]. Comments under the video were saying things like "see, you can be supremely healthy and eat some cooked food." Thanks Dr. Morse for giving people carte blanche to eat some cooked food and making them think they can be just as healthy as if they had eaten no cooked food in their diet."

Again – and this is important because it has the potential to negatively affect people's health – while Morse does advocate a fruit-based diet, he is way off on some issues. Iodine for one. He was doing his Q&A reading email questions, and one asked about iodine, and although he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, his answer was nevertheless inaccurate. I emailed him about it, a few times, never heard back. Not caring to do peer-to-peer work to improve what you teach when teaching health topics is irresponsible. But Morse is not alone in this category.

I should mention that as part of my research over the last 45 years, I've been careful to vet not just the health information, but also who's providing that info, because this gives clues to the potential accuracy of the info. So I am very familiar with Morse's work.

Here are some facts:

Morse advocates a fruit-based diet, but pushes herbs for healing. He does not take a "first things first" approach to healing, and goes straight to herbs instead of exploring the possibility of a nutritional insufficiency being at the root cause of an ill health issue (which it is quite a lot). And the aversion to nutritional supplements is due to the old school philosophical aversion to them, thinking that they are worthless. Plus, Morse speaks about things he is not qualified to speak about, yet speaks about them in a way that sounds like he knows what he's talking about. This has people following info that does not square with reality.

This is why, in my opinion, arrogance and egotism have no place in certain professions, like health educator, police officer, judge, etc. If someone teaching pottery-making is arrogant and egotistical and teaches some inaccurate info, what's the worst that can happen? You make a mug that loses its handle after a few months. But when learning from a health educator who refuses to consider that something they're teaching is not the healthiest advice, you could lose your health if you follow that educator 100%.

This is why I recommend learning health info as a researcher and not as a student. Students don't tend to question what they are taught, but researchers question everything. And since there is so much conflicting info in the health community – even within the raw vegan community – taking a multi-source educational approach is important if you want optimal health.

By reading many different sources of information, you will come upon the conflicting information, and even though most people don't like conflicting information, researchers do, because they are searching for the truth, and the truth is often contained somewhere in that contradictory information. And if you are following any inaccurate info, wouldn't you want to know about it?


A Morse related blog post

Morse and I teach a lot of the same things, but on some issues, we differ, but these are not issues subject to opinion... they are clearly in the realm of objective facts. I take a "first things first" approach to health restoration. Morse does not. His approach is akin to the "do this to deal with this and do that to deal with that" approach used by the medical model, only Morse uses herbs. And he is against nutritional supplements (which should be a red flag but isn't to a lot of people who are ignorant of the facts surrounding nutritional supplements). These aspects of his teachings have the potential to harm people. Yes, the use of herbs can appear to help which is why herbs have their devoted fans, but if there was a better approach that also would have been helpful but with no downsides, isn't that preferable? Of course it is. But have you ever tried to convince someone who was helped by pharma drugs that there was also a downside to using them and they really weren't addressing the underlying cause of their problem, but your words fell on deaf ears (because the person was helped by the meds)? Well, it's the same conversation for me when I try to speak to those who are devoted to Morse because his herbs brought them relief. The herbs did not deal with the underlying cause of their problem, so on balance, not the best approach.


Morse' iodine misinformation

"Too much iodine can disrupt thyroid function..."

This is incorrect. Morse has demonstrated in his videos that he is "iodine illiterate". It is obvious (to an iodine literate practitioner) that he has not taken the time to research the subject thoroughly. His definition of "too much iodine" does not square with reality. And a normal amount of iodine can harm the body if the person was also low in iodine's co-factor nutrients. But he doesn't know this because he is not iodine literate.

"Intakes of up to 500 micrograms a day of iodine are unlikely to cause harm."

What about the women with breast cancer who are taking 400 times that amount (200 mg a day) and who aren't negatively affected, and instead it helps resolve their breast cancer (and does not harm their thyroid). And what about all the people who've normalized their iodine levels and are taking 24 times that amount (12 mg) on a daily basis as a maintenance amount for years with no damage to their thyroids? And BTW, 12 mg is 80 times the RDI for iodine. Hmmm.

"Great sources of iodine are: figs, cranberries, strawberries, prunes, beans (lima, green, spring), seaweed, spinach, almonds, broccoli, fennel, whole grains, kale, watercress, coconut oil, organic potatoes w/skin."

This demonstrates that he and his assistants don't know what they are talking about. That should say, "The foods that should be good sources of iodine but aren't are...". How do we know this? Easy! Nutritional assays. You can't argue with those, but the people who choose to believe what they want to believe will. Amazing. The one exception is seaweed, but it must be fresh (wet) seaweed, like the Japanese eat. Dried seaweed contains no iodine. But fresh seaweed only contains a maintenance amount of iodine, not a therapeutic amount needed to address an iodine deficiency.

"...the best plants - plants grown on iodine-rich soil…"

Where are these soils? They don't exist. They did 100,000 years ago (but not everywhere), but today they don't; not any agri-industry soils. How do we know for 100% sure? Soil assays... i.e., science. And empirically we can know this from all those people who eat all the foods mentioned above that Morse and his assistants list as "great" sources of iodine, but these people have iodine deficiencies.

"If you need my help w/natural healing, transitioning to #vegan / raw / #fruitarian detox #diet, or iridology, contact me..."

Just thought I'd throw this in for good measure...



Here are a few articles that shine a light on this important topic...
