An "uplifting" physical activity
By Don Bennett,
get the most out of your daily walk, try walking with a "spring
in your step". To see this motion without walking, stand
with your feet side-by-side, a few inches apart, and gently bounce
up and down on your toes. Your toes should not leave the floor,
and your heels should almost contact the floor on the downward
part of the movement.
have your calf muscles to thank for this.
as you briskly walk, add a little bounce into your step. You'll
find if you shorten your stride, it will make "bopping along"
feel more natural. Yes, when you add a spring to your step, you'll
tend to walk slower than if you weren't walking spiritedly, but
remember, it's not a race; you want to get the most benefit out
of your walk.
I Doing it Right?
you're doing it correctly, you should feel your chest area bouncing
(both men and women). For women, this does not mean that you must
now switch to a more "supportive" bra; on the contrary,
if you want to lessen your risk of breast cancer, you WANT your
chest bouncing when you walk briskly (see "Bras
& Breast Cancer"). So-called sports bras
actually increase your risk of breast cancer. (see
& Breast Cancer") (I know I'm
repeating myself, but breast cancer is more preventable than you've
been led to believe... Breast cancer is avoidable if you know
the facts.)
motion that spirited walking produces causes your lymphatic fluid
to circulate (it doesn't circulate much when just walking, cycling,
or rollerblading). The movement of lymph fluid is critical
to preventing disease! (see "Lymphatic
Exercise for Vibrant Health").
Spirited walking is also a great workout for your calf muscles
and other leg muscles. And since your steps are shorter, your
footfalls are less "heel intensive", which means less
impact transmitted to your knees and spine, and since it's a walking
gait (body weight always supported by at least one leg), it's
gentler on your joints than jogging or running.
Do I Do With My Arms?
them, you need them to hug people. Seriously, let them swing naturally.
Avoid using hand weights. If your mood is such that your arms
start bopping also, great! At this point, you may find yourself
whistling... and you may also notice other people looking at you
wondering what you're so happy about.
The three
things you have control over while strut'n your stuff are:
The amount of bounce. This is controlled by how much
your calf muscles are working. You don't have to bounce so hard
that things start falling out of your pockets, just make sure
you can feel your chest bouncing a little.

2. The length of stride. The longer the stride, the harder
it is to bounce, so don't walk like you're late getting somewhere.
Enjoy your walk.

3. The speed of your walk. This variable is based on
your energy level; some days you'll walk at a brisk clip, other
days your pace will be slower. But remember, ambling, strolling,
moseying, or sauntering may be nice to relieve stress and smell
the roses, but those slow paces don't do much for your lymph
varying the above three things, you'll discover many combinations;
find the ones that feel most natural to you.
Much Should I Do?
don't like to specify an amount of time for something like this
because I believe this should be dictated by your body. In-other-words,
as many hours of walking as your body likes. I could say the
more the better, but not beyond the point where your body
wants you to relax. And walking races, and walking X number of
miles or minutes/hours does not respect your body. If you
make decisions that should be made by your body, that's a recipe
for disaster at some point.
Great Indicator
its name implies, spirited walking is easier to do when you're
in good spirits. If you're down-in-the-dumps, you may not feel
like bopping down the boulevard, but you should give it your best
shot. Getting your body moving up and down not only benefits your
physical self, it also does wonders for your spirits. So, spirited
walking doesn't just describe how it looks, it also helps improve
your mood. Accordingly, the easier you take to this type of walking,
the healthier you are... in both mind and body.
"How To"
you stand facing a wall, and place your hands on the wall
for stability, then simply bounce up and down, first on
one foot then on the other, then back to the first foot
again, in-other-words, alternating your feet, that's the
movement you'd do while walking. It's walking while giving
your calf muscles a low intensity workout. If doing it
right, you should feel your chest bouncing up and down
as you walk (as opposed to when you do regular walking).
And because of the time it takes to bounce up and down
as you walk, this is why you can't walk "spiritedly"