Issue 25


Better Brakes?


The last big improvement to a car's brakes was anti-lock brakes (ABS). And they've been around now for about 40 years. With ABS, the driver can slam on the brakes and the ABS computer prevents the wheels from locking up, preventing the car going into a skid, allowing for better steering control. But can ABS brakes be improved upon? Evidently, yes.

ABS works by pulsing the brakes if it detects the wheels are about to lock up. But that pulsing doesn't allow for the shortest stopping distance, which is what braking is all about. But now there's a new system that results in an even shorter stopping distance, and better handling while doing emergency braking.

The best brakes and brake components are made by Brembo, Inc. Hands down. Which is why Tesla chose Brembo brakes for all its cars. But now Brembo has improved upon ABS brakes, and their new system – Sensify – "will be going into a new car that's coming out in 2023". Brembo wouldn't say whose car it was, but it's pretty clear that it'll be the Tesla pickup truck, the Cybertruck. Elon Musk has said that the Cybertruck will have many new advancements and innovations. And Brembo chose the Tesla Model 3 to install its new braking system for testing and evaluation purposes.

Reviewers of this new braking system were wowed by it. No pulsing felt, very smooth braking, with terrific steering control. And since most modern cars can automatically apply the brakes in emergency situations with no driver input, this new braking system can respond quicker than the previous system to commands from a car's computer, shortening braking distance, which could mean the difference between hitting someone and coming very close to hitting someone. A huge difference from that person's point-of-view.

One automotive expert predicted that this system will eventually be on all cars, replacing ABS brakes. Why? Because it's safer than ABS brakes.

And what more appropriate a vehicle than a Tesla to feature this new, improved system. Another reason, "Why a Tesla?".


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