Slow down the adoption of EVs Toyota and ExxonMobil have one thing in common... they both hate EVs. And for the same reason... EVs stand to substantially lower their profits in the coming years. So, what to do? The fossil fuel industry circulates lies about EVs to slow sales, and Toyota does this too. And now these two are partnering to BS everyone by saying they will be making a low carbon gasoline that will run in all Toyota vehicles, and it will lower CO2 emissions by 75%. It's of course BS, but if they can convince the gen pop of this, this will slow down EV sales, which is the goal of both companies. Slower EV sales means more profits for both companies. Okay, now, when the bought-and-sold media start spreading this BS around, how much of the gen pop will buy into this BS? How many will contract this particular Mind Virus? Can't wait to see what else these companies will come up with to slow EV sales (see below). This is yet another battle that those who care about air quality and the environment have to wage. Who are we fighting? Self-centered sociopaths who don't have the ability to care about anything except short term profits and their golden parachutes.
Toyota is doomed to fail They want to continue to sell fossil-fueled cars, but realize they must sell some electric cars as well, and since they already make hybrid cars, that's the type of electric car they will push (even though it has been widely recognized that hybrids don't put out that much less CO2 and pollutants). Since their attempt to make hydrogen-fueled cars is failing fast, it's hybrid EVs to the rescue. Their Lexus line will offer a new hybrid vehicle, but what type of batteries will it have? Will it be the latest technology that Tesla and other EV makers are using? (Lithium-ion) No. Toyota will use 25 year old technology... Nickel Metal Hydride batteries! Why? They already have a (25 year old) battery line built for that technology, and it would mean less profits if they changed over to the better battery tech. Another profits-over-people company. And Toyota and other Japanese car makers don't want to rely on China for the materials needed to build BEVs. China and Japan had a fishing area dispute a while back, and China held the supply of certain materials over Japan's head, and Japan had to give in and back off. Japanese companies don't want to be in that position ever again, so this is another reason they give Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) a bad name and attempt to throw shade at them... even though this kind of EV is best for consumers and the environment. And Toyota has the nerve to appeal to people's natural tendency to be lazy by selling the point that their hybrid vehicles don't need to be plugged in! (Plug-in hybrids have bigger batteries and use less gasoline per mile driven.)
So if you want a more costly to repair, more costly to fuel, and more polluting vehicle, consider Toyota's new line of hybrid vehicles. But if present market trends are any indication, the now more educated buying public won't go for it, preferring instead a pure battery electric vehicle, and Toyota's gamble will not pay off. But they had a good run.
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