Issue 45


What is wrong with people?


This is a serious question. Just look at the responses that were given to a survey that was taken. This was a recent survey of Tesla owners. Tesla, the electric car. Yes, as far as customer satisfaction and would they buy another Tesla, the ratings were high in favor of Tesla. But Bloomberg thought to ask how the owners of Teslas felt about the CEO of the company that makes the cars, Elon Musk. Look at these propositions and the responses.

Re: Elon Musk should stop tweeting

Look at how many people said that 'yes' he should stop tweeting. Over half of the people surveyed! How would these respondents feel if Elon Musk suggested that they stop tweeting? Would the respondents cite the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the one that protects people's right of freedom of speech and expression? Or would they say, "But this is the CEO of the company tweeting these things (that I don't agree with)!!!" So what? Do CEOs of large companies not have the right of freedom of speech and expression? The only people who are not infected with the woke mind virus were the ones who disagreed with the premise... those in blue and light blue.

Re: Elon Musk should stay out of politics

An even larger percentage said that the CEO of the company that made the EV that they're driving should stay out of politics! Sorry, I thought that it was every U.S. citizen's right and responsibility to be engaged in the political process. So how dare these people suggest that a U.S. citizen should stay out of politics?!

Re: Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter has been a distraction from his responsibilities at Tesla

This one really sheds light on how these respondents in red and pink are being misinformed and misled, and how they don't have the ability to think for themselves and instead parrot what they resonate with. FACT: Elon Musk didn't shirk any of his responsibilities at Tesla when he purchased Twitter. He attended all the Tesla meetings he needed to attend, and he spent time at Tesla doing what he needed to do, and nothing at Tesla suffered because Musk was also spending some time at Twitter headquarters. Nothing. When industry pundits who were saying this nonsense were asked for evidence to support what they were accusing Musk of, they had nothing. Zero. Some people saying this simply assumed this was the case, even though in reality it wasn't, and some took the opportunity to say something negative about Musk and didn't care whether it was true or not. In reality, fully 100% of the respondents to this proposition should have voted "Neutral", because they themselves didn't have a clue as to whether it was true or not. And yet the majority of respondents agreed with the proposition even though if asked, they wouldn't be able to cite one example of Musk being distracted from his Tesla responsibilities! Amazing.

Now, I should say that Bloomberg has published some biased Tesla and Musk articles in the past, demonstrating their inability to be objective when it comes to Tesla and Musk. So I can't be sure of the accuracy of the above numbers. This may be another case of the media trying to manufacture public opinion. But if the numbers are accurate, I weep for society.